The Top Seven Reasons To Become a Male SLP

It’s a curious but not unexpected phenomenon that when you talk about Speech-Language Pathologists/Therapists (SLP’s/SLT’s) there’s a markedness component to the word [1]. If you want to talk about gender in relation to SLP’s, the feature [+male] is actually the marked version i.e. you talk either about “SLP’s” or “male SLP’s” – you never say “female SLP.” It’s also a well-established fact that men in SLP are almost as rare as hen’s teeth or unicorns – as some of the folks on Twitter’s #slpeeps hashtag call them. In a recent paper, Litosseliti and Leadbetter (2013) cite studies that suggest that in 1999, 1.9% of UK speech therapists were male (Sheridan, 1999), and six years later, this had shot up to a stunning… 2.5% (McKinson, 2005). In 2010, ASHA reported that 4.1% of the workforce was male, and a 2012 study had Australian males accounting for 3.0%.

Clearly there’s a significant lack of testosterone in the profession and trying to encourage more dudes to become Speechies appears to be an uphill struggle. The McKinson article lists five reasons why men are turned off by this career:

  • Lack of awareness of speech and language therapy among boys
  • Historically seen as a profession with low pay and costly training
  • Perceived poor working conditions. Seen as a role with little opportunity for advancement and under-recognition of achievements. Lack of respect from within employing organizations
  • Perceived female stereotype
  • Working with children and communication seen as “feminine”

Among the suggested solutions were to (a)  re-brand the image so as to counter the feminine stereotypes and (b) provide more positive images of male SLP’s in the media. Well, the Dudes are certainly not stereotypical and our blog counts as a “media outlet” so here’s our pitch for why guys should consider being Speech and Language Pathologists.

7: You Can Pee Standing Up – Anywhere
Conferences and symposiums are great places to learn new stuff, meet new people, and drink obscene amounts of coffee. Of course, the latter has the well-known physiological effect of causing your bladder to swell to the size of the Montgolfier brothers’ balloon, necessitating the need for a trip to the bathroom. Great news! There’s never a line. Even at the ASHA Convention where the organizers re-label 90% of the facilities, the chances of your getting stuck in a queue are less than the Pope’s chances of hitting it off with Angelina Jolie.

By Mike Young at en.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Montgolfier bladder

6. You Don’t Have To Grow Up
Although most of us are fully aware that the phrase “adult male” is an oxymoron, at least as a Speechie guys can not only legitimately play with toys and read kids books but claim tax back on any purchases. You want a remote-controlled robot? Just call it a “language stimulation device” and the IRS will believe you. Need to add a Kinect to your Xbox? No problem if you can argue it’s a “gesturo-motor development enhancer” with a straight face. And running a weekend camp for kids with communication disorders gives you carte blanche to stock up on Super Soakers (TM) and run around like a mad thing squirting anyone who happens to be within range – kiddos included. So anyone with Peter Pan syndrome can safely channel it by becoming an SLP.

5. You Get To Dress and Look Good
Let’s face it: if you’re going to spend 100% of your working life surrounded by women, it’s inevitable that they are going to help you look your best. Your female colleagues are doing their damnedest to be seen as intelligent, creative professionals and don’t want guys who dress and look as if they’ve just had an argument with a hedge trimmer after completing an oil change on their truck. If you take just a moment to listen (I know, that’s not a natural male behavior) they will be happy to tell you whether you look OK and after a year or so on interacting with them, you might not necessarily be ready for the cover of GQ but at least you won’t a candidate for a full-page spread on the “People of Walmart” website.

4. You Get To Appear Smart With Your Non-SLP Peers
Provided you actually listened to all those lectures about phonetics, phonology, syntax, and semantics, you are uniquely equipped to expound on something that every one of your peers has some vague knowledge about: language. And I say “vague” because as we know, there’s a world of difference between using language and knowing about language. Explaining to someone how stress patterns turn the noun “PERvert” into the verb “perVERT” or that “beer” and “bier” are called homophones can make you seem like a college professor – unless you ARE a college professor, in which case this is just called “showing off.”

3. You Get To Use Cool Technology
When I graduated back in the 80’s (that’s 1980’s, not 1880’s) the most sophisticated technology I had was a typewriter, and the only time a phone was mobile was when you dropped it off a table. But now a Speechie can find himself getting to use lots and lots of amazing hardware and software, along with the ability to communicate live with colleagues all over the world – and in real-time [2]. The rate of technological change is now such that there’s always something new to be looking at, playing with, and eventually buying. And as with toys, you can get the tax folks to give you a break on your latest object of desire.

2. You Can Actually Make Money At This Job
According to the 2011 US Census, the median wage is $26,695. The median salary for a Speech Pathologist was $69,100. Although many of us become Speechies because there’s no significant math skills required, it’s not rocket science to see that if $69K is the median, it’s possible to get higher if you’re willing to work hard and charge for your services. And sure, you may not start at the median, but given time, you’re not going to be living in a cardboard box and dumpster diving by the time you hit 35. A six-figure salary may well be in the cards, which means you can get that convertible (or motorcycle) and live a little. Hey, we’re dudes, ain’t we?

Convertible sports car

Male SLP’s standard wheels

1. You Get To Be Surrounded By Women – And That Will Drive Your Non-SLP Friends Crazy
Men being men, they see no problem with spending time in the company of women. That’s not sexist, that’s biology. Women are, after all, incredibly interesting. Men can be reduced to three motivators; Food, money, and sex. All a woman has to do to understand a man is work out which of these is likely to be motivating a guy at any particular time and you have him pretty much sewn up. Women, on the other hand, have emotional and psychological depth, which is why they are more fascinating than men. But being in the company of women helps you become a more socially rounded person because you do, after all, get to experience – if only vicariously – the “view from the other side” that many blokes who work with other blokes never see.

Man with women

Edward off to a rave with his colleagues

So there you have it. Forget the “twin set and pearls” of the past and let the Speech Dudes be 21st century role models. We’re looking to do for the profession of Speech Pathology what the guys at Top Gear have done for cars [3]. Or what Anthony Bourdain has done for cooking. Feel free to pass the URL for this article to vocational guidance counselors and careers teachers across the globe.  And if producers at The Learning Channel  are looking for a new “reality show,” we’re just the guys to take it on.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2010, Highlights and Trends: ASHA Counts for Year End 2010 (available at: uploadedFiles/2010-Member-Counts.pdf).

Litosseliti, L., & Leadbeater, C. (2013). Speech and language therapy/pathology: perspectives on a gendered profession. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 48(1), 90-101

McKinson, F., 2007, Why do men become speech and language therapists? RCSLT Bulletin, April, 12–14.

Sheridan, J., 1999, A career in speech and language therapy: for white women only? RCSLT Bulletin, February, 9.

Speech Pathology Australia, 2012, Real Men Do Speech Pathology
(available at:

[1] ‘Markedness’ refers to an asymmetry relation between elements of linguistic or conceptual structure. In a marked-unmarked relation, one term of an opposition is taken to be the dominant one while the other is regarded as secondary. The dominant term is known as unmarked and the secondary one is marked. In the case of “speech pathologist,” the word is semantically unmarked for [female], which is why we add the word “male” to create the marked form, “male SLP.”

[2] Although “real-time” communication is indeed possible, it’s important to remember that we live on a big ball and that your buddy in Australia or New Zealand is 12 hours away, so a “real-time” call at 3:00 in the afternoon might not be appreciated. Now matter how slick the technology gets, time zones will continue to bemuse us all – until someone invents a Tardis…

[3] Fans of Top Gear can follow the link below to take a quiz and find out which of the Top Gear presenters you are most like.
For those curious, I came out as Jeremy Clarkson – so no surprise there then!

27 responses to “The Top Seven Reasons To Become a Male SLP

  1. Love it! You’ll be on “Top Gear” next! 🙂

  2. This literally had me laughing out loud….but mostly because it’s all 100% true! Great post!!

  3. What about the male SLP’s who work with the adult populations?

    • Hmm, apart from the excuse to spend money on toys, it should be about the same. Of course, some adults are also men, and there’s a good chance you can work on… er… “cognitive skills” using “Tomb Raider” (problem solving) or… ah… “motor skills” with “Bioshock Infinite” or “Mass Effect 3.” And if you have a deck of cards handy, Poker can be another way of stimulating language!

      • At first glance, I thought it said, “Let boys be toys,” which is a very different proposition from “Let toys be toys!” We’re all for toys-being toys and support that notion. Having said that, it is an observable fact that it seems more acceptable for girls to play with “boys toys” than vice versa e.g. I think my huntin’, fishin’, gun-ownin’ Republican son-in-law would be somewhat distressed if I were to let my grandson (3) play with Barbie dolls and My Little Ponies. Then again, I’m trying to encourage the little lad to be a scientist and take him bug hunting, star gazing, and making stuff explode in the kitchen – despite grandma’s protestations!

  4. Excellent compilation of recruiting points! As a fellow “speech dude,” I have long been amazed to be considered a relative member of a “minority” by being a white straight guy, especially in the US. I am very lucky to have had no bad vocational experiences as. members of other minority groups regularly suffer. I also should add that we don’t get labelled as poor communicators as often by women when you need to demonstrate active listening , nonverbal language interpretation, contextual code switching, and adequate understanding of theory of mind as a career choice. The bathroom thing is so true, and I have been asked more than once to go on recon missions and stand guard outside men’s rooms at conferences to reduce queues! Love the blog BTW.

  5. Keith A. Young, Ph.D.

    Speaking as an 8+ years retired former Ph.D.-level SLP, I could add one more reason: you get to work alongside, and be supervised by, hoardes of man-hating, ‘pad-counting’ feminists who spare no effort to humiliate, demean and put-down any male who is seen as less than submissive to the feminist theory ideals.

  6. I just found this list and website. I’m a male SLP grad student here in the states coming up on my 2nd (and last) year. I really like this site. Please keep updating it and I’ll be back around.

    Speaking on this topic: being a lone male in a household of 5 women, an undergrad class with 30, and a grad class with 24 I can honestly say this….

    I still don’t understand women.

    It’s been tough to say the least but I love this field. From my experience, my younger female colleagues have pack mentality….you see them alone and their polite and then you see them in a group of 2+ and they try to dig their claws into you. My female professors on the other hand were great and they all taught and treated me well.

    All in all….no regrets. I keep things in perspective which I believe has kept me going with becoming an SLP. I’ve faced much bigger and badder wolves than what a group of girls with their insecurities can dish out….

  7. I’m a male SLP student and I find it worrying that there are so few male SLP’s. Speech-language pathology as a profession needs different views on things. The female SLP squad, is in my belief, a very homogenous group (not only by gender but by experiences and believes), and there is very little room for change.

  8. Well I as a male student in the hopes of becoming an SLP, I didnt find this article amusing. sounds like the author was obligated to write about why they should join and I fell as though they considered “speech dudes” some sort of threat. i assure you, with any career you’re going to find people you don’t like, get used to it. at the end of the day, you’re doing the same job.

  9. Sven Malarky III

    I am a male in the OT field, (almost…last year of school!) and I found this article freaking hilarious. I am also a car nut, so I appreciate the references. I feel like I had lost some steam, probably drowned a bit in the estrogen around me, but crossed this article in a search for date for some stupid ass paper and now feel motivated again. I know it is disturbingly simple, but I did not think about many of the great points you made in your article. I get that a lot of it was humor-driven, but the bit about wanting to revamp the field, to bring about a sort of renaissance, that is what got me, because the OT field needs the same thing. Great piece of writing!

  10. Pingback: Why Are There So Few Male SLPs? | The Language Fix

  11. Was thinking about changing my major….now I can’t wait to be a speech dude!!!

  12. Here in Portugal there are more unicorns then male SLP’s… So i’m quite happy being amongst hundreds of female colleagues… And due to my unusual name in portuguese even more recogniceable than Pope Francis in meetings and symposiums…
    So, happy dude here!

  13. Nice article! I’m a male thinking of changing my career from journalism to Speech Pathology. You can follow my blog at

  14. How do you deal with the fact that many parents of young children are distrusting of you simply because you are the wrong gender? Also how do you deal with teachers and other professionals that feel the same way?

  15. Wrong gender? Males are distrusted?

  16. I came across this article (3 years after it’s written) because I was searching for “rare SLP opportunities,” but this author was correct. Men in the speech field are pretty rare and when you do meet or hear of a male, I still can’t help but to giggle and say “Oh it’s a boy.” 🙂

  17. Our department will be hiring 2 new faculty; as the lack of men is Speech Pathology’s primary diversity issue, I typed “speech pathology” “men” into Google to see if there was some venue where I could advertise our open faculty positions. This site (and article) was among the first hits. While I get that it is meant to be humorous and tongue-in-cheek, ironically, the article itself exemplifies why many men are turned off to the field. The article came across to me as patronizing, condescending towards men, not to mention juvenile. I almost stopped reading at the first couple of reasons put forward as to why a man should become an SLP: “you can pee standing up” and “you don’t have to grow up”. The rest of the article is chock-full of such brilliant and insightful comments as, “Men can be reduced to three motivators; Food, money, and sex.” Seriously? While some of the reasons are fine, much of this article is a poor recruitment tool at best, and a blatant turn-off at worst. I know, “lighten up”, I can already hear some of you saying.

    But the lack of men in the profession is a serious issue. The majority of patients/clients are male, both in the adult and child populations. Those men and boys need us. As an SLP in a medical setting for a number of years before completing my PhD and becoming a professor, I experienced first hand the many reasons why men make great SLPs (and in many cases better than women), and why men should consider Speech Pathology as a great profession.

    Here are just a couple off the top of my head:
    * If you work in a medical setting, there is a lot of science to the profession and you work closely with physicians in critical medical cases, without having to worry about malpractice lawsuits. And then there are the men with stroke and TBI. I remember one patient, a man in his late 50-s who had had a stroke. He was a Navy veteran and had a black belt in karate. A big bear of a man. He would perseverate about his physical prowess. The female SLPs were scared of him and he quickly landed up on my caseload. When I started working with him, I immediately saw that there was no hostility there are all, nor any danger. The female SLPs had totally misread the cues. I was able to interact with him as a man, and he made wonderful progress.
    * If you work in a school setting, considering that half of children these days are deprived of their fathers by elective single motherhood, boys are starved for male role-models. During grad school when I did my externship at a pre-school program for child-artic issues, there were 4 boys and one girl – the boys loved me and would climb on me (the girl loved me too, but didn’t climb on me because the boys were already doing that). The kids could not get enough of me. One of the boys’ dads was kept out of the loop of care for his child because the parents were divorced. He and the female SLP supervisors had a hostile relationship because the SLPs acted as barriers rather than facilitators; they never saw him in the same light as a mother, but rather as an adversary. When I saw this, I immediately intervened, helped the female SLPs to understand what it meant to be a disenfranchised divorced dad. I spoke empathetically to the father and negotiated with him and the SLP supervisors to ensure that he got all reports, etc. From then on the tenor of the whole interaction turned around 180 degrees. He made gifts and donations, he was finally allowed to attend and observe all sessions, he was involved, the SLPs learned to respect men and dads more, etc.

    I’ve been in this field, as a student and then as a professional, for almost 20 years. While I have not experienced the “hoardes” [sic] of man-hating feminists, described by Dr. Keith Young in the comments above, there is no question that a very strong, implicit, feminist bias permeates the field (and indeed all of Western culture these days). Considering that in the US male SLPs account for a smaller minority than women in math and computer science, why is there no “men’s division” in ASHA, akin to “women in science and engineering” and other such initiatives? When I have written to ASHA about this, the response has been cold and dismissive. Other ASHA men whom I have been in touch with, and who have written letters to the ASHA Leader have experienced exactly the same thing.

    “Speechdudes” has the opportunity to really make a difference in a way that is respectful of men, not demeaning and condescending. You may wish to consider doing so.

    With kind regards,
    Dr. Ramanathan

    • Thanks for the comments, especially the “top of my head” suggestions. This post, as you pointed out, was indeed tongue-in-cheek and that’s always a dangerous thing. You might want to check a more recent post; “Cause Without a Rebel,” where we are a little more serious. And for such a serious issue, there’s pretty much nothing been done about it for as long as I can remember – and I’ve been at this for over 30 years. Like the “Cause” post says, everyone talks about it but nobody does anything. ASHA is currently trying something as part of its 2017 Strategic Objectives by way of Objective #6: Increase the diversity of the membership – and this includes the objective “Increased diversity of ASHA members in the areas of individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, Bilingual Service Providers, and men. And if you haven’t already done so, listen to a recent podcast conversation with Mike Skiados, the guy spearheading the initiative.
      All the best, Russell.

  18. Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

    Hi Russell, Thanks for your reply. And thanks for the link to the Rebel article. Excellent article – wish that had been the first link to pop up on my search. I think you are dead on about the three critical components: 1) a quantifiable and clearly defined set of outcomes, 2) funding and support, 3) a champion. While I am not likely to be the champion you describe, I am interested in the topic of massively increasing sex diversity (not the same as gender diversity) in the field. I’d be happy to talk or Skype/Zoom any time, or meet anyone men interested in this topic at ASHA or otherwise. Best wishes.

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